Fives Pillard holds a technical leadership position in the field of rotary kilns and calciners for cement, lime, alumina, minerals and drying applications

  • Burners for rotary kilns & precalciners (ROTAFLAM® for coal / gas / oil fuels & alternative fuels, and DIRECTFM® systems for semi-direct firing)
  • Pulverized solid fuel dosing systems (STAPILDOSD)
  • Hot gas generators and associated burners
  • Conversion of cement plants to high viscosity oil
  • Storage and handling of solid & alternative fuels
  • Flue gas sampling probes at the kiln inlet (ROTASAMPLER)

Fives Pillard also provides an extended range of analysers and instruments in order to master plant monitoring: Combustion optimizing, flame detec­tion, ignition, and road tunnels & ATEX zones safety.

Alternative fuels

Petcoke, anthracite, solvents, sawdust, animal powders...etc