In the dry process clinker production line, there is a great quantity of waste heat in preheater and cooler exhaust gas which can be recovered via special waste heat recovery...
Petroleum coke is a black solid material resulting from the decomposition of heavy petroleum process stream. The quality of the coke is dependent upon the crude oil processed in the refinery.
Gypsum, one of the most used minerals on the world, can be found in mineral and rock form. The mineral form is in the shape of very large crystals. As for the rock form, Gypsum is found in the...
Produced in a coal combustion power plant, Fly Ash is the non-combustible mineral portion of coal. Its particles are smooth as glass, sphere-shaped, usually finer than cement particles
Iteca Socadei is a leading manufacturer of sampling systems, online & at line process control analysers, highly efficient kiln seals as well as high capacity for the cement & mining...
Electric Actuator Specialists to Turn your valves to the future
Serving the most demanding industries: Cement; Oil and Gas; Energy; Water; Shipbuilding…